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Sisterhood of the Wheel

a monthly women's circle

The Sisterhood of the Wheel is a sacred fellowship for those who identify as womvn, communing outdoors with Mother Nature, to pause with intention, nature, healing, to gather in solidarity with the guidance of Fierce Compassion. A place to be in circle to tell our stories, to align to the cosmic rhythms, ground, listen and support sisters, to remember the Great Mother within, the blessed feminine from many moons ago. Kristina leads each gathering with an intentional theme for the energies of the wheel. 

What To Bring:

a journal and writing tool,

blanket or yoga mat (or both)

something comfortable to sit upon if you need extra support,

something to offer the alter,

a mug for tea,

water that is covered, 

comfortable clothes, and layers, to sit and move,

anything else that aligns

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