Sacred Journey
Sacred Journey is an online container, offered four times a year aligned to the cycles and seasons of the Earth, to reconnect and embody your inner wisdom, gaining more clarity of your own connection to self compassion and self-healing through community, teachings, meditation, hypnotherapy and the shamanic journey.
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
- Albert Camus
“There is something so special in the early leaves drifting from the trees – as if we are all to be allowed a chance to peel, to refresh, to start again.”
– Ruth Ahmed
The season of Autumn explores ripeness and maturity, offering the annual harvest, a time to acknowledge growth and expansion as a natural evolution of our organic being. The darkness of the season provides us the space to descend into our center, our inner world, so that we can listen and discover the medicine of our Soul. Embracing the Autumn season can be a powerful teacher, urging us to understand our own transitions, let go of what no longer serves us, and reclaim our innate wisdom.
As we turn inward to our own “autumn” in Sacred Journey this season we will continue to discover and re-imagine our relationship with the Four Immeasurables, in particular that of Equanimity. The falling leaves and the earthy aroma of the damp soil in Autumn signify the beauty of impermanence, in which we can learn to harness and bring into our own lives.
What To Expect:
Insightful Meditations
Guided Journeys
Self Reflective Inquiries
Self Care Practices
Dharma (education) Teachings
Sangha (community)
Live & Recorded gatherings, available for replay
Methods of meditation, Pranayama (breathing practices), subtle body energy along with therapeutic techniques of Depth Hypnosis and Earth based wisdom will bring you into a wider scope of awareness, connection and integration. Dharma (education) teachings provide a foundation that builds within and upon each gathering, while the Sangha (community) allows a co-creative space to move more fully into our shared humanity, healing.
What People Say
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I can't attend all or any of the LIVE sessions?
Each session within Sacred Journey builds upon one another. While attendance is not required, attendance to all sessions is optimal. The first session together activates and creates a solid foundation for the community essence of gathering and growing with one another. If you cannot attend the gatherings LIVE, please respect the sacredness of the container by completing the replays in order, and upholding confidentiality to the group. For the benefit of the group and each individual's process, if you can attend, it is encouraged. No one will be turned away because they cannot attend the LIVE gatherings.
Do I need to have any experience in meditation, hypnotherapy, the shamanic journey and/or altered states of consciousness practices?
No. There is no experience in meditation, hypnotherapy, the shamanic journey and/or altered states of consciousness needed to participate in Sacred Journey. If you have concerns or questions, you may set up a 20 minute complimentary call with Kristina to discuss.
How do the gatherings work in a group online setting?
Kristina Renée fosters a compassionate curiosity and a safe, confidential space in all her offerings. With a solid foundation held by Kristina Renée, Sacred Journey, is a group space, aimed to come together in community to nurture and deepen each participants understanding of their own practice of self awareness, inner healing and empowerment. If something arises for a participant in group session that additional or deeper processing is needed, Kristina Renée is available to work with the participant outside of the group in one-on-one sessions. To honor Sacred Journey, Kristina Renée may not be able to address all matters in the group setting. In addition, to respect the container and each individual, it is imperative that each participant be willing to honor the sacredness of the journey and one another within the journey, as well as outside Sacred Journey by not sharing the recordings or information shared inside with others not in the container.
Does Sacred Journey address Trauma?
With an education and skillset of mapping patterns and the effects of trauma on the nervous system, Kristina weaves her experience with the methodology of Depth Hypnosis and Parts Work, as well as the philosophy of Buddhism and Yoga to support the process of unravelling and rewiring incomplete energetic cycles. Incomplete energetic cycles can also be known as trauma or what is called "soul loss" in Shamanism. Sacred Journey is a group setting offering group guided meditation journeys to help facilitate a deeper knowing of one's own patterns and the empowerment of how to move towards and into self healing. While some dharma (education) teachings will blend discussion of trauma or incomplete cycles into the practices, Sacred Journey is an offering to begin, widen and expand your own self discovery practices. This container is held with trauma informed and trauma aware guided meditations with integrity and personal responsibility. Kristina Renée is highly sensitive and attuned to the complexities of trauma/incomplete cycles and she holds Sacred Journey with such awareness.
Is Sacred Journey religious? Do I need to have any belief system to attend?
There is no religious affiliation to Sacred Journey or any of the offerings by Kristina Renée. If you have a strong religious or spiritual belief system, lovely. If you are on the path to seeking more understanding about a spiritual or religious path, Sacred Journey will be a supportive space for this inquiry. No matter your philosophical, religious background and/or belief system, the path of healing is one of connection to your Highest Self, your innate goodness of self compassion and self love. It is common that healing ignites a deeper seeking of self discovery and inner truth, and how that will unfold is unique to each person. Sacred Journey, along with Kristina Renée, honors and respects this divinely sacred path for each individual.
What is the exchange for Sacred Journey?
The exchange for the 7 hour, live and recorded container of Sacred Journey for the Autumn Sessions is $200 when you sign up on the waitlist and payment is complete by midnight on Sept 20th. After Sept 20th the price is $244. Please note, confirmation of attendance for Sacred Journey is ensured once payment is complete.
Are there any refunds?
No. There are no refunds.
Is there a payment plan option?
Typically no. If a payment plan is supportive to your attendance, please reach out to Kristina Renée to discuss the options available.